"if you cant draw a crowd....."
there are a few inevitabilities when touring around the world with a band. one is that there will always be a dude who has a clothing company promising you free tshirts in exchange for a guest list spot. another is that there will be dicks. everywhere. and since we cannot ever full rely on free shwag, its nice to know that crudely drawn penises can be our constant reminder that even in australia, we're never too far away from true blue american bred humor. "if you cant draw a crowd..." is a collection of the most insulting, hilarious, oddly and artistically drawn penises that i've seen touring with years of touring i have done. from huge balls to small heads, from skinny shafts to thick pubes, let this serve as an insight into what boys on the road find funnier than fat groupies. dicks. and since everyone is in a band, im positive this collection is something we can all relate to. enjoy.