So pretty much what we have here is a secret cum machine. I'm assuming there's a guy hiding behind the wall and that he's just using this plastic hand washer front as a clever decoy. So what I imagine would happen is you go up after a piss, shit or just hard work that got your hands a little dirty and you just start pumping on the little flap/handle. Now when you do that it obviously triggers some sort of hand / pocket pussy / mouth / other miscellaneous pleasure utensils. This is where the term "2 pump chump" comes into mind and this drawing may very well be inspiration for the term. So 2 little pumps on this contraption and what you think is mass produced hand washing soap dispenses buuuuut......NOPE! You just got served up a massive load of a random dudes cum in your hands. And before you realize the fuckery that has just taken place you've covered your hands and possibly your face with some assholes semen. What a fucked up world we live in....

Location: Picture 1: Trash Talk's Van; Picture 2: Brussels,BK @ VK Club
Artist: Picture 1: Unknown; Picture 2: Big Willy
Artist: Picture 1: Unknown; Picture 2: Big Willy
1 comment:
Written like a poet. You truly have a gift.
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