There is nothing better then going to take a long shit
and reading/observing the bathroom humor/art.
That's what happened yesterday when i took my routine mid-day dump.
I looked up in front of me and there was this stunning fuck masterpiece.
what i love about it, is that the dudes slam hog is almost bigger than his legs and torso.
You know that their is no way that whore will enjoy that giant skin divider,
that's about to enter her black hole of pleasure.
Artist: Jake DDG

These next 2 amazing drawings was done by a good friend/tour mate/boss.
He's a great artist and as you can see with this hunk of meat.
He has a true future in the art of cock art.
But anyways these are definitely a fine piece of art and to me
it kinda resembles a beanstalk, i think it would've been great if he had drawn
a little boy or girl climbing to the top of this cum volcano.
Artist: Jordan Buckley

I love when i go to take a piss and you pull up that seat...
and BAM! there's a huge cock that makes you laugh so hard you can barely piss,
But almost piss yourself instead cause the LOLz.
This first one looks kinda a cactus, its def more graff style.
What a great tag name would be, no weird letters...just a joy knob.

Same thing with this, i went to go piss later in the night and then found this golden shrine.
I was speechless once again, more this time than the first one.
Its definitely a sloppy ass pecker and
to top it off, some super sloppy ass titties and thighs.
I cant even see the pussy, so i hope its on a trip to brown town.
but no matter what, its good placement and good laughs.

Location: Hamburg, DE @ Molotow
Artist: The last 2 are unknown